TII’s 3700 is constructed of superior materials capable of withstanding harsh indoor and outdoor environments, such as UV degradation, chemical exposure and cold temperatures, even in severe cases.
The low profile of TII’s Broadband Outdoor Network Interface Device allows complete access to all components for ease of installation and servicing.
TII’s 3700 includes such innovative features as totally sealed protection modules capable of exceeding Bellcore requirements for sealed terminations. Protection modules exceed Bellcore GR-1361-CORE "Generic Requirements For Gas Tube
Protectors" and Bellcore TR-NWT-000975, "Generic Requirements For Unprotected Terminal Blocks"..
TII’s unique, superior performing Customer Bridge Module (CBM) includes TII’s Auto-JackTM RJ-1 1 which is protected from the environment, requires no RJ-1 1 plug, and exceeds Bellcore "Severe Climatic" requirements for first and
second level lightning surges resulting in unsurpassed performance not found until now. Tip and ring customer terminations are equipped with insulated screw terminals. Four color coded terminations are also available.